Monday, July 6, 2009

R.I.P. Mr.George

George (Jorge) Ponce passed away early July 6th, 2009.
He had been fighting an aggressive cancer for many months and was being cared for by his family through his last weeks. After days of restlessness and pain, he finally became peaceful and died quietly in the night.
He will be sorely missed by his extensive family, good friends, coworkers and customers.
His remains are being prepared for cremation.
When arrangements for his services are made, they will be posted here.
We invite you to post your feelings, good memories and photos in the comments section, (or, for privacy, email them to the administrator of this site).


  1. I am so sorry to hear this very sad news. Althoug George was Rose's partner, I occasionally got to work with him and it was always a nice surprise and a pleasure. I enjoyed his company and work ethic. He was always so positive and cheerful. May he be at peace and may you be comforted by knowing how much he was loved by so many others. A true loss. God Bless. ~ Teresa Bolden

  2. My friend George. Your sense of humor and positive attitude enriched my life. We will never forget you and your family.

    Jack M. Reefer
    Fellow Bartender at ARCO

  3. I only knew George from work and had only partnered with him a few times but he came by and visited often and I would pass by and get a smile and a wave often. His enthusiasum for life will be missed by many co-workers and customers. I am so saddended to hear he is not with us anymore. May he rest in peace. ~ Gina

  4. My George,
    You will forever be in my heart. Thank you for a wonderful partnership. I will miss you my friend. Rest In Peace.

    Rose Wollenberg
    Arco Partner

  5. Jorge,

    Thank you for the wonderful memories at Arco! Your presence will be missed, but your spirit will live on at B10! I offer condolences to your family. May your soul rest in peace!

    Melvin Nelson
    Beverage Supervisor, Arco Arena

  6. Our family met when our kids were at Fair Oaks Elementary. We worked on many projects together and George's "can do" attitude and generous spirit made us fast friends. We traded kid stories over the years and kept up on news over the bar at Arco where he still had that great smile and positive outlook. He thought it was great how he raised his kids so successfully and now they were able to come back and take care of him. I will hold on to these fond memories and send loving thoughts to his family in honor of this great man.

    Gayle Hensler and Family

  7. Queridas Suanna, Mara y Audra,
    Les mandamos nuestros más sinceros pésames. Lamentamos esta noticia del fallecimiento de su querido esposo y padre, un hombre siempre lleno de felicidad y bondad para todo el mundo.

    Fuertes abrazos a todas,

    Norm & Jean

  8. Jorge was a great guy and great family man. So often we met for various events in southern California. Always fun. I remember one time the two of us were heading Mexico to meet our families and tried to keep up with a very fast Camaro. Since we were in a van, it left us in the dust but we marveled at the speed and made it to our destination.

    Our love and prayers to Suanna, Mara and Audra.


  9. Deepest and heartfelt sympathies to George's family and close friends. George was very happy to always hear of the work I do in the Non Profit world (Breast cancer) and so supportive.He loved his family so much and always had a daughter story to share. His sparkling personality made everyones day just a little brighter. I will miss you George...

    Cindy Love

  10. Queridas:
    Jorge was a very fortunate man to have had the three of you caring for him. He will always be remembered as a lively spirit. Our lives touched once and again and again over 37 years in Daly City, SF, Pasadena, and Sacramento. Our thoughts are with you at this moment. Paz.
    Fred, Ileana y Familia

  11. Dear Friends, I Would Like Every One To Know How Much Jorge Meant To Me! He was Always There For Me Through Thick And Thin! He Never Would Let You Down And Always Made You Smile And Guided You In The Right Direction! I am So Mad That I Wasn't Able To Say Good Bye But Feel It Was Better That Way Because I Rather Remember Him Helping Me And Laughing On How We Mess Something up Together But Always Fixed It! My Love Goes Out To His Wife And Daughters And I Will Always Be There For Them As Much As Jorge Was There For Me And My Family Lots Of Love Graeme Wilkins

  12. We will miss all your stories and your always a kid-at-heart attitude, especially when you played with Gaston and Katalina. You were always willing to share yourself with others, like whenever you came to San Jose to visit us even if it was just to say hi. May you rest in peace, and our thoughts will be with you always.

    Love you,
    Gaston, Katalina, Veronica, Bruno, Grandpa Henry and Susy

  13. We will all miss you. One day we will meet again, and get to finish up on all the stories we shared.I will miss you much my friend.. R.I.P

  14. I am very sorry to hear this sadness. I do not know Jorge, but I do know his wife, Suanna, my former boss from the Sacramento City Unified School District. I only met Jorge once when our staff had a Christmas gathering their house. Jorge was a charming person. I still remember his smile. My deepest and heartfelt sympathies go to his family, close relatives, and friends.

  15. George was and will remain in memory, a bright spot in any ordinary day. His ready smile, light-hearted humor and outlook all served to lighten the mood - he was there for me when my husband was diagnosed, with his story and encouragement. His joy will, I'm certain, bring happy memories to his family!
    Pam Reed
    Former Arco Bartender

  16. Dear Suanna, Audra and Mara.
    I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your husband and father. Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos for all to see. What a memorable tribute!! He was a very blessed man to have had you all as his loving family. Thinking of all of you. con carino Judy Lambert

  17. Dear Suanna,I'm very sorry to hear the news of your husband.My thoughts and sympathy to you and your family,May he Rest in Peace

    God Bless
    Nora Castro

  18. Well Hi All,

    Not sure what to say. I wish I would have had more time with George. I always liked him. Regardless, of what many thought, he always had an interesting way to look at things. He probbaly didn't know, but I valued his opinion. After all, everyone is entitled to one, it's what we do with that information that counts. George made me laugh and I always enjoyed his no bullshit kind of attitude. I miss George and I look forward to when I see him again and have another one of our conversations. Miss you big guy!


  19. George was very unique; a class act and one of the nicest guys I ever had the pleasure of working with. It was enjoyable as always to spend some time with him at our Christmas party last year. He shared with me what was going on but inspite of what he was up against, he was very upbeat and positive. My sincerest condolences go out to his family and the many he inspired.

    Rick Calegari

    Arco Arena Bartender

  20. I was saddened to hear of George passing. I truly enjoyed working with George. He was always smiling and in a good mood. I also remember him having alot of fun daughter stories.George you will be missed I know Bar 210 will never be the same without you.

    Lynette Knutson

    Previous Manager at Arco Arena

  21. To all of Jorge's friends and to all of our family friends, thank you very, very much for your lovely comments. My daughters and I appreciate your reminisences. Your comments, cards, and calls have supported us at this difficult time. Jorge valued all of you and to those whom I have not met, your names are familiar to me because just as he no doubt shared stories about us with you, I also heard funny, warm stories about you! Again, thank you. Suanna
